
Starfrack's main worlds:

Edo is:
A warring world -
A very, very old world -
In fact, Edo was the very last world to exist in our universe.
And the cause of this, as well as the reasons, are something of a supreme mystery!
It appears that Edo's moon has a class of beings living there who have acchieved practical immortality. They watch over Edo for their pleasure - something like a living soap opera in which they occasionally have a directing hand: starting a war, helping a hero, leaving a 'magical' item or two for some lucky or unlucky inhabitant to find.
No wonder that the Edoans call them the Gods, although the truth is nothing quite so mystical - they are simply a class of Edoans who, once over, found themselves in control of their world via superior intellect, technology, power, hegemony.
These ancient lunarnauts have deemed that allmost all modern Edoans spring from the 'faulty gene pool', and are therefore ineligible to join them in their heavenly paradise of Chiara.
One mystery remain to them however. They have never been able to work out who closed their system off from the rest of the universe as it itself entered its final age when the last of the great stars began to die or fall into singularities. In fact they know very little of the fact that the universe is over for the gigaquads of species which once inhabitted its comforting planets, star systems, gravitational and energy fields.
In fact their whole system was closed off and discretized in an exotic spacial field many millenia before even the first of the trancenders of Chiara were born!
To them, a satellite which looks like a sun from the ground and supplies them with all of the photons and such ordinarily made by stars, is the normal state of affairs, as they have nothing else to compare it with - although it is a great enigma, the most popular theory amongst the knowing Chiarans (Edoans have no way of reaching orbit) is that their own great ancestors created this place for them to live life for eternity and set in motion the inevitability of their sacred soul destinies (those of the immortals who never die, and those of the mortals who are fated to die and be reborn, living the same sinful and doomed lives for theor own eternities) - again, nothing could be much farther from the truth. One more thing which puzzles them in this new age of Edo, is the recent appearance and proliferation of the Nar-nar forests, filled with evil man eating trees, which were never a feature of Edo before a millenia or so ago.
Suffice to say, that when Edoans see a star appear in their ordinarily empty sky, things are about to change forever for both they, and Chiara, with the revelation of the Nar-nars true origin...

or "Frigia – the deep-freeze world..." From Season 1 Episode 12 (Season finale) found on the outskirts of the reborn Universe, somewhere close to the last billion years of it’s existence in the Space-time continuum, this beautiful icy jewel harbours a dark secret: the universe begins to die, and the last of the stars begin to exhaust their fuel, resources of food become increasingly scarce – for one species of survivors however, Frigia offers the perfect solution to their nutritional problems - by controlling the temperature of the host star, the Eskarimoes are able to keep their food source well preserved between breeding periods.
When thawed out, Frigia becomes a temperate paradise, green and lush, the perfect world for simple creatures such as humanoids to live and reproduce to plentitude – however, the host star only has a limited supply of nuclear fuel, and so to preserve its lifespan, it is turned up and down by the Skarimoes, a bit like like the gas heater in a student flat – warm means happy, good times, party world – cold, however, means frozen to the bone, quite literally.
Unbeknownst to the Starfrack crew, who love a good party, the temperature on Frigia can change practically in the blink of an eye – will they escape their icy fate? or will they remain on glacial Frigia as human popsicles for when the Skarimoe return for their long awaited feeding time?

More worlds coming real soon (like Kratos - the mining planet seen in the script extract from the episode "Time" which is on the Starfrack TM home-page behind window 5, check it out!

Click here for Crazy aliens.

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