Kind of Episode One (part 2) -

"How Our World Got Fracked"

Back in New Cape Town:

The car contains its important owner, who has just finished preparing a certain group of very important military and civilian sponsors for a very, very important event!
In fact, he only really has a few more essential duties to take care of between now and tomorrow (11th June 2757) - an absolutely hugely, massively important day!

As his car prepares to land,
he can just about see the building where another reasonably important colleague is currently sat talking to him on the other end of his holophone connection:

The reasonably important man in question is Professor Calvin Kimble, NCT's top resident quantum physicist and (almost totally) civilian contractor with oversight for the design and implementation of the Starfrack's most definately super important piece of technology...

between Admiral Cork and the esteemed Professor Calvin Kimble, regarding the ongoing highly top-secret project, the Starfrack.
They are of course discussing the readiness of all important parties concerned, for the main part of the mission starting early tomorrow (between 5 and 6am NCT time).

The conversation goes something like this:
Admiral Cork: "Hello-o-o-w Prof Kimble. No need to ..."
Professor Kimble (interupting): "Hello Admiral Cork, sir, and might I say what a fine thing it is to hear from you!"
AC: " Worry. (pause) No need to worry 'the prof'; ha ha ha; yes. Now, I'm just checking that you're all ready and packed; etcetera, for tommorrows liason with the 'you know what', and..."
PK: "yes Admiral, in fact, you've just caught me right in the middle of examining her, the new ship I mean, well, her specs over and beyond the obvious Higgs technology. And I can in fact confirm that I will indeed be ready for tomorrow's early morning rendezvous with, well her, at the designated coordinates that is, in my own modest little starship, hum, ur hum."
AC: "Yes. So as I was saying, all proper and shipshape, yes? And I'm assuming that you're own little private shuttle based version of the highly top-secret anti-Higgs engine, is ready and waiting to get you out to the asteroid belt in little more than a few hours for a high velocity docking, ha ha ha, it's been a while since I had one of those mind you ha ha.
PK: "Oh, he he, Yes very funny Admiral, of course I'll be up and in at the earliest convenience aha yes; and I think you perhaps mean 'drive' as opposed to 'engine'. Anyway, I have everything ready my side, and so will hopefully see you tommorrow somewhere between here and the moon for our brand new vessel's maiden voyage outside of the solar system. And of course we can all celebrate properly onboard the old Starfracker, which I'm personally hoping you'll, well and the other sponsors of course, will consider re-naming 'the ESC Salvation'."
AC: Ok, yes, interesting idea, I'm sure there'll be discussions once we're all shipshape and ready for the off. So well, over and out then I suppose, since everything appears to be spiffing, which by the way means 'top-hoe', and I will indeed be meeting you tomorrow onboard our lovely new ship, for which congratulations are, I believe in order, for your, or so I'm told, ninety-nine-point-nine, in not one-hundered percent brilliant design in terms of refurbishing the old discontinued and out of service system ship."
PK:"Ok then yes, so ok all round, I'll see you there tommorow, and please do consider forwarding my renaming request. If it isn't too much bother Admiral. Bye!"
AC: "Yes, bye then, bye-bye."
Little does the erstwhile very important professor realise however, he currently has a very interested and persistent visitor who has not only been listening intently to the very interesting holophone conversation, he's also been picking the lock to the professor's front door. A visitor that he is now mere moments away from meeting in the flesh...

The wonder filled bridge crew are assessing their new and quite unexpected assignment just as a shuttle containing Jensen Cork and Ashley Jones docks, bringing onboard the ships new Captain and Chief Engineer for the first time.

Choi is the first to express her amazement regarding the ships shear cleanliness and shear emptiness. Indeed it appears that they are the only people on board...
However it is shuttle pilot and all round bad girl Via Sanquez who seems most pleased yet perplexed by the level of crew facilities which this new high-end ship has to offer.

A certain Captain Jensen T Cork is impressing his new chief engineer by introducing her to the high tech surroundings.
"Oh Jensen," she says, with a tone as yet quite unfamiliar to its recipient; a tone of respect; perhaps even attraction.
"Oh Jensen, she's beautiful."
"Ah yes," says the new captain with a tone he isn't used to using - one of authority: "call me Captain!"

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" asks the unfortunate Professor,

"I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before."
“Oh we've met before professor, although I had quite a lot more hair back then. My name wasn't always Tanktop the Janitor. I used to go by Maurice Proudfoot”
“Oh my God!” exclaims the professor as his situation suddenly becomes far more real than it seemed a moment or two before, "look," he tries to explain "it wasn't me that had you... who stole your idea. It was Mayhew, and he's dead now anyway."
"Oh I know that! Fell down some stairs didn't he? - nasty accident, and there's no point blaming me because I was thousands of miles away when it happened." He smiles, "though thank god for being able to book early morning stair maintainence proceedures online, because some people are just destined to fall! Now please, Professor Kimble, take a seat." He takes a nasty looking gun from his back pocket, "I insist!"
"If its money you're after," begins Kimble, as Tanktop picks up his hold-all and ushers the professor through to the sitting room.
"No, no, nothing like that professor, I don't want your money." He smiles, reaching down to retrieve a small hyperdermic syringe, "I just need you to give me a hand, that's all. Or two hands actually, if that's ok!"

Stepping onto his new and unquestionably magnificent bridge, Captain Jensen Timothy Cork felt the chokey throaty swell of true pride, that exceptionally exclusive pride which one may only truly feel whilst being saluted for the first time by his new bridge officers on his new imperial grade (star) ship's clean, new, trendy, high-tech bridge.
Truth be told: even though Jensen is supressing it quite well, he is closer than a flee to a scalp to just simply exploding all over his new bridge, crew, badge, etc
"Oh yes," he suddenly remembers, then reasserting decorum, adds: "as you were. I almost forgot. Myself and Lieutenant Jones here found these lovely new badges in the Ship's Quarter Master store, which I inspected on the way here."
A number of different things are now happening which deserve, nay require deliniation at this point. Firstly, FLt Sanquez (who is not in fact classified as a bridge officer, but has been able to avail herself never-the-less) has managed to retrieve her hot dog and cold cherry aid from the vending machine (being the very first outside of pre-installation testing to try the printed food snacks) she is not disappointed.
Secondly, two people on the bridge have just had the shock of realising that their much (hmm well actually not that much) beloved sister is on board; these two being Ashley (the new engineer) and Sally (the new medical officer) Jones. If looks were dynamite, the spangling new bridge would indeed now be an exploding inferno. They move carefully toward each other, preparing to greet cordially!
The next thing which happens is a shock to everyone, because a voice comes from literally nowhere to inform the new Captain that: "Actually acting Captain Cork sir, you shouldn't have taken those badges from the Quarter Master's stores - you don't have the relevant permission, er yet, sir!" Though it turns out that the voice in question is actually the ships computer - an exceptionally advanced AI, what is more of a concern to the captain at this point is that it appeears to be acting somewhat coy.

In fact it is encoded to professor Kimble's DNA and finger prints, a fact which its next pilot knows only too well.
As Tanktop opens the doors and enters, he looks around at the superior interior of this rather superior shuttle. He sits at the terminal and places two hands on the command lock. Not his own two hands of course, but the shuttle's former owner's. "Time for a little hack and crack, decode and recode." The professors brief was to use this little mini-Higgs shuttle join the Starfrack as she passes through the asteroid belt. Of course that wouldn't now be possible, however, he'd be only too happy to take over the operation himself, and maybe even continue his important work as a janitor, only now on the starship he designed all those years ago...
He begins to sing to himself in the way that he's accostomed to after successfully getting his own way; a feeling he's had much more experience of recently, more than most of the previous fifteen years in fact. 'Well' he ponders, 'good things come to those who wait': "you need hands, do do do do do doo do, you need hands, do do dah dum do doo - but the hands we love so dear, and the hands we love to hear, are the hands that you give to u-us..."

Click here for episode one part three.

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