The (animated) story(board) of Edo -

"The last place in the universe"
part 2
Having apparently re-entered the Universe, or at least what appeared to be left of it:

On the bridge, the crew now discuss the planet beneeth them.

Choi informs Cork that "The satellite is not only acting as the planet's sun and atmosphere Captain, it appears to contain an enormous source of power, infact what appears to be a contained supermassive black hole. Perhaps the remnants of our universe Sir."
The Computer once again feels whatever need computers feel to interject its own pieces of information: "Captain, we are receiving Geolocation data and some other hypertext from the beam connecting the Satelite to the energy bubble which was protecting the whole system. "
It includes details of various as yet undeciferable ontologies related to the planet. Captain it appears to have been here, in more or less the same state, from the inhabitants' own perspective, for thousands and thousands of millenia; millions of cycles of ordinary lives here on Edo; while those inhabitants of their moon, Chiara, grow always old and never die, some sleeping for milennia at a single stretch. Oh my circuits," says the computer in a sudden burst of emotion "it is all so, profound......"

"One other thing Captain. It appears that our entrance through the system's perimeter field has somehow damaged it's overall integrity."
"Hmm are you sure computer?" Asks Cork with a sound of vague concern, "it still seems to be working, I mean, just look at it; its, good!"
"No Captain, I'm afraid not. In fact, it's slowly failing. The perimeter shell is dwindling away from our point of entry. I think we broke it!"
"Oh, I see." Cork tried to look even more concerned, ponderous even, though he could not think of anything to add, just for the moment.
"And that's not all Captain; there's even more bad news... they're coming!"
Cork's concern suddenly became more convincing...
They are? Which ones?
Oh, all of them! Both sides. We seem to have caused the migration of the final war! Oh my dog; how long? Fifty or sixty human earth hours Captain, or there abouts.
In the receding void, leftover of the old universe, strange things begin moving slowly, at first, towards this discreet environ...

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