Starfrack's main characters - not in order of appearance:
Jensen Timothy Cork
DOB 08-08-2715:
Height: 5ft 9inch
Weight: 11stn 9Captain (temporary with full ships control, no demerits)
Graduated Basic Training 09-2734
Graduated Space Fleet Officer Training 09-2735
Graduated Space Fleet Officer Advanced Service Training 09-2737
Graduated Space Fleet Bridge Officer Command Training 09-2739
Graduated Space Fleet Officer of Engineering (R) 05-2742
Graduated Space Fleet Officer (Science) (Dist) 09-2744
Graduated Officer Teacher Training (1 Demerit for violence) 09-2046
Graduated Officer Mandatory Refresher Course (Basic Communication) 09-2752
Tours of Duty
Home Guard Shuttle Duty 04-10-2734 – 08-09-2749
Bridge Officer 3rd Class (Ensign) on board the Astarte (Class Zero Dockless Doughnut) 16-09-2749 – 07-06-2751
Bridge Officer 2nd Class on board the Hammer Dock (Class B orbital space station) 30-06-2751 – 18-12-2754
Bridge officer 1st Class on board the Super Scooper (dog-shed shovel Class A (fuel scooper) 08-01-2755 – 21-12-2756
Bridge Officer XO on board the Monster Bez (Class C freight ship) 07-01-2757 – 10-06-2757
Captain of the Starfrack (Class AAA Starship) 10-06-2757 -
(Captain of the Astarte)
The main reason, one of the main reasons, that things turned out the way they did was that Jensen had waited all his life for a job like this one; and to be told that he was actually going to be Captain of a donought shaped scooch ferry between Earth and Moon-Base-Papa, and NOT Captain of the bedevillingly mysterious "starship" the Starfrack, was just a bit more than even he could take from his own so called father the Admiral. For a man who almost usually always kept his temper quite well, he quite frankly, temporarily, cracked up a bit. Way out of character. Anyway...
XO Lieutenant Mai Choi
Born 04-04-2729 Brillian fighter; in fact quite brilliant at most things which is why she is second in command before age 30. Only problem is that she's a secretly augmented Chinese spy, which ironically is why she's onboard this top-secret starship.
Lieutenant Sophie Zadine Marsh (Star Core Agent)
Born: 17-06-2723
Is a Star Core field officer (spy) under the command of Jensen's Brother (Bryce) and father (Vikaden).
She is mostly gay and is in a relationship with Ashley Jones who studied under her at the NCT Academy where she teaches physics. Sub-Lieutenant Harry Nakamura Born: 01-09-2727 (m) – the computers guy – understands how to use computer systems, has additional tech to assist such as a PIHI (Partially Immersive Holographic Interface). He went to work as technical assistance on the Hammer Dock One after one of his female cyber fans committed suicide when he announced to the world that he was gay. “Hinna Japan I am considerer very beautiful by my Admirers. Unfortunatery she committa hari carrie because she carer too much for Harry.”
Sec O - James ‘Jimmy’ McGovern - 14-12-2720 – always going on about missions he’s took part in with Star Core. A good fighter, soldier etc, but prone to marine style bluff crassness. Has a penchant for Android assisted Immersive holo-porn. Was chosen as a Starcore recruit because of his long-time friendship with Starcore Captain Bryce Cork. He is very hard, a good hand to hand combat, weapons and special tactics etc fighter; (but not nearly as hard as Choi).
Jimmy is perhaps most affected by the possible, ok probable destruction of the Earth, in the immediacy afterwards. He is the first to have a full-blown (Galactica style) nervous breakdown/psychosis about it culminating in episode three…
Comm O - Boris Karloff 08-07-2718
Height 5ft 11in -
Weight 11st 8 -
Ensign (Deck Officer Class 3) -
Graduated Basic Training 09-2736
1st Class Degree in Communication from SFA 09-2738
Research Degree in Communications 2nd Class from Miami 05-2740 (2nd attempt)
Tours Of Duty
Commercial Shuttle Duty SFFF 1,4,7 – 14-06-2740 – 12-06-2745
Space Crew on board the Dockless Doughnut 21-06-2745 – 23-02-2753 (1 Demerit and reassignment for lewd and dishonest conduct)
Leave scheme – 24-02-2753 – 27-01-2754
Bridge Communications Officer Ensign on board the ‘Hammer Dock’ B-Class Space Station 28-01-2754 – 10-06-2757
- The Starfrack 10-06-2757 (though not listed as permanent crew member. Not to be confused with his twin brother Maurice Karlov - see below.
Ashley Jones: 29-05-2730
Height: 5ft 4inch
Weight: 9stn 6
Engineer Class 1 (Basic, no demerits)
Graduated basic training 09-2747
Academy Course and date:
Engineer Class 3 (Subclass – systems, propulsion (S), propulsion (L) 09-2750
Engineer Class 2 (Subclass – systems) 05-2753 (academic resit)
Engineer Class 1 (Subclass systems, propulsion, gravito-metrics (general), quantum-data in L class propulsion, shuttle maintenance at 1st degree level) 09-2756
Ashley is not a particularly competent engineer, but she loves the job. She is clever at the practical side of the profession (i.e. getting on with the right people) but not at the actual work of engineering, which she is mostly shed at.
Tours of duty:
04-10-2751 – 10-2756
Class 3 engineer shuttle duty general at NCT spaceport, 3x1 month on class 01 lunar orbital, 2 x 2weeks at moon-base epsilon-delta
18-10-2756 – 10-06-2757 –
Command vessel duty as class 2 engineer on board the Monster Bes at Saturn.
10-06-2757 Appointed Chief engineer of the Star Frack by Jensen, (awaiting confirmation). Milly ‘The Cook’ Wilson: 01-03-2711
Born Billy Wilson in the East London enclave, which had degraded significantly in the wake of the end of quarantine.
Billy Wilson was brought up by his drunk and abusive ex-army father who hated Billy's love of women's clothes and who he eventually killed, running away and developing the skills which ultimately gave 'her' the nickname 'the Cook'. Later in Mexico, she used certain carefully concealed monies to fund a plethora of surgeons for various rounds of strategically planned body modification. Maurice Karloff: 08-07-2718 Space Fleet-Sub-lieutenant, Starcore trainee – brilliant scientist, linguist, everything that Boris Karloff wishes he was (Chosen by Bryce to join the Star Core because of his clear understanding of the physics of the Higgs Boson drive without even having seen it). Warrant Officer (commissioned to service by Admiral Cork): Classified (Level 1) Leyton Haines: 25-12-2707
Although he officially works in environmental with Tanktop, he often finds his work leading him to engineering. Could it be that he has an alterior motive for being there? Anyway, Bryce Cork met him at some mad military party out in the sticks when it turned out he knew just about everything there is to know about plumbing onboard spacecraft. Bryce had recently been on a mission where the ships toilets blocked up and flooded. He liked Leyton, a guy who wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, and co-opted him onto his new Starcore B-team.
Dr Sally Jones: 08-06-2728 Ashley’s sister, a total facetious beach yet passionate in a certain ‘good’ way – in fact her facetiousness masks a deep yet cynical philosophical side, a doctor. Degree In Bioscience (Dubai Collegiate for Women) 09-2750
Graduated Basic Training 09-2751
Certificate to Practise Medicine (Space Fleet Academy) 09-2752
Tours of Duty
Medical Officer (Junior) NCT Hospital (Emergency Admissions) 07-07-2253 – 12-09-2753
Report and Refresh – (unethical conduct) 15-09-2753 – 22-12-2753
Medical Officer (Junior) Assessment Room 3 on board the ‘Hammer Dock’ B-Class Space Station 08-01-2754 – 10-06-2757
Medical Officer (junior temporary) on board the Star Frack, Appt: 10-06-2757 Vye Sanquez: 04-07-2721
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 10st 4
Ship Service Engineer (General) 111
Graduated Basic Training 09-2741
Graduated Flight School (Pilot Class 3) 09-2744
Graduated at Class 2 (Open pilot SC Class 2)
Tours of Duty
Shuttle pilot Buenos Aires 14-10-2744 – 02-04-2746
Leave of Absence (Medical) 03-04-2746 – 07-07-2746
Shuttle Pilot NCT 14-09-2746 – 03-10-2756
Sequestered by medical as ambulance pilot to the Hammer Dock from 07-10-2756
Happens to be best freinds with Dr Sally Jones, which is fortunate for both of them really, once you know them a bit you'll understand why...
Lawrence 'Tanktop' Proudfoot (the ship's Janitor who is also incidentally the only one who genuinely understands the Higgs drive (which is hardly surprising considering it was he who invented it). The thing about Tanktop is...well, that's a secret for now, you'll just have to wait, but suffice to say, ita a long, long story...
THE CORK FAMILY Admiral Vikadin Excellsius Cork - 15-03-2694 - 11-06-2757
Married since 2716 to Francini Arrabella Cork (mother of Jensen Timothy 2717 and Bryce Leon 2719.
Head of Space Fleet, Star Core, the Starfrack project and dog knows what else - - he's a real big wig (which is why he's totally bald) and also appears to favour Bryce over Jensen - another reason for 'the accident'. Loves his anti-gravity car which he sometimes lives in... Bryce Leon Cork (Starcore Junior CO)(sr) and intended Captain of the Starfrack from 11-06-2757 Jensen’s younger brother and apple of the Admiral’s eye. Jensen thinks he knows the truth about this (that he, Jensen is actually illegitimate) which is why he rebels momentarily and causes earth’s destruction – in fact he’s wrong. Bryce is actually the real battard.
Professor Calvin Kimble (LLA, BEnd, TWOT) Head of Starcore Astrodev (was anyway until just prior to 'the accident"). Was the prodigy of Professor Mayhew, the man originally credited as the inventor of the anti-Higgs drive. Though the paper describing the process was written by one his students, who mysteriously disappeared soon afterward (in 2727 - rumoured killed by Starcore Ops). Mayhew unfortunately died in a sticky top stair accident in 2748, leaving Kimble in charge of that side of the Starfrack project, which included a specially augmented shuttle, containing its own mini-anti-Higgs drive. Stardog 04-06-2755
The mysterious escapee from a medical experiments labratory in the notorious NCT black buildings next to the canal lock. She was being used to test a drug rumoured to teleport stress from out of the body. Somehow found her way onto the Starfrack mere moments before the destruction of Earth.
Starfrack TM is a #ffa500;
siddhi-mouse-art house production, because in the end, all we
have and all we need is our creativity!