
Self Actualisation - a Starfrack TM insight page.

Based partly on the theories of Abraham Maslow, the Starfrack TM call to all space cadets to 'self-actualise' is actually, in some regards, a call to revolution.
Oooo hecks and frackles, I hear you say - REVOLUTION, my god its a site for terrorists!
Calm down and take a deep breath - we won't be asking you to pick up guns and shoot at the government any time in this millenium.
We aren't, generally speaking, Trotskyists, Anarkists or Islamic fundamentalists - the sort of things that'll ultimately lead you into trouble and a life of seperation from the wider society in which you live.
In fact, as a very wise woman once said in a very nice song - "the only revolution is the revolution of thought..." That's what we believe - succinctly put, that to be truly free, you first need to free your groovey mind. You need to understand what it is that the beautiful big universe wants from you.
This isn't neccessarily as easy as you might at first think it should be, is, or whatever. In fact, the whole reason that we term it a 'revolution', is because it requires a whole overhauling of your entire thought process.
To do this, it is nessessary to ask ourselves things like - 'what is it that motivates me in my life to do the things that I do? Whose truth do I subscribe to in my day to day endeavours? Do I actually believe this truth or that it will make me happy in the ultimate issue? Could I do things another way and be happier than if I simply do as I'm told' or 'if I simply do as I am told, will I ultimately find satisfaction, will I even find basic peace, happiness, freedom?'
If the answer is a straight no, or if you doubt that it is a definite yes, then you are already realising that there is space for enquiry - 'what is my true nature?' 'why do I feel dissatisfied with the way my life currently is?' 'Why do I feel as though I am not getting as good a deal out of life as some of those around me' or alternatively 'why is it that I keep making mistakes, keep losing pace in the race of life, keep not quite achieving the things I believe I am supposed to be striving for?'
The answer is simple - YOU are not self actualising. You are living someone else's dream, subscribing to their truth, and in the meantime you are struggling just to meet the basic necessities of food, warmth, petrol for the car that keeps breaking down, and so forth and so on. To self actualise actually means to find a place in the universe which is right for you, and which, if entered into with the fullness of your being, will actually bring you to a place of peace, freedom and happiness.

For modern internetty people like us, Space cadets being a term I like to use, self-actualisation isn't, or doesn't need to be the terrible, lonely and austere process it was for us historically. We don't need to go off into the woods or mountains by ourselves and 'find ourself', we don't need to like spend three months standing on one leg and then switch over to the other one for round two; nothing like that at all.
Here at Starfrack, we aim to show people that self-actualisation begins when we realise that we are not alone in the cosmos. However different, lost and alone we might sometimes feel, there are probably at least some other people out there who feel the same; i.e. who need something more from life than they're currently getting, something that can contribute toward giving their soul the meaning and purpose, and sense of achievement that it is currently missing. There are no cliques here, no one whose back you need to scratch or need to be best freinds with or whatever in order to get on.
The starting point is that we talk to each other about art, about things we believe we could do towards building a small media company that belongs only and always to the people who take part and contribute simply because that is what they love doing - whether it be art, 3D, writing, acting, programming or writing HTML, doing sound, music, alternative news reporting, simply coming up with ideas or talking to people in a nice friendly way - like much of the current open-source community, its all relevant, and can perhaps lead us all together on a journey towards self-actualisation - living a life that we feel we are involved in, in control of, happy with... a life which gives and takes in fair measures and amounts to more than the sum of its parts.

If you feel even a little cynical about life - as it is, and don't feel as though anything in the real world currently engages you on on a level which offers anything even close to personal satisfaction, then why not get in touch, get involved and maybe see if you have something to offer like for example the willingness to develop a new skill (see above), something which could help your self-actualisation journey to one day come to fruition. This could be the starting point, because even though its only a cartoon in development, well, cartoons are cool...
The way I envisage working as a communal/collective effort is that firstly, people who are interested in talking solely about creative ideas (not personal or family relationships, or celebrities or mass media trash and such), about how we can create change for ourselves and so on, should use the chatrooms to discuss their ideas in a friendly and open way. The chatroom is safe, so long as you stick to talking about the subject matter listed (like creative writing for example or acting or political subjects as they're posted) it's safe because we don't ask you to necessarily identify yourself (you don't need to join anything or open an account at this stage) though realise that we don't tolerate bullying, trolling, grooming, or anything like that, ever.
So if you might be interested in creativity as a means to realise your own full potential, then come in and listen to the music (currently by Paradise Radio), start a conversation about what kind of skills you'd offer a media venture which looks toward a future which isn't as completely doomed and 'end-of-the-world' as the one in the cartoon itself, and start self-actualising by becoming just a little more you than the you that you are currently unhappy/dissatisfied with - Remember Starfrack like all sci-fi, is also about escape...

remember, the truth is out there!
(or maybe not)...

Welcome to Starfrack...Starfrack TM is a siddhi-mouse-art house production, because in the end, all we have and all we need is our creativity!

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