Kind of Episode One I suppose -

"How Our World Got Fracked"
part 1
This (being the main or central) part of our story begins in New Cape Town

Trying to explain, in a round about way to a bunch of future shuttle pilots and grease monkeys, just how unattainable their dreams of reaching the stars actually are. It was extremely unlikely that anyone here was ever going to reach a decent standard in Tuesdays test, let alone any distant heavenly bodies.

They've just covered the physics of velocity and the apparent impossibility of surpassing lightspeed. "The goal of modern physics" she tells them "is a method of negating the sticky effect of the Higgs boson. If we could negate the Higgs, then we could, in essence, burn a hole through Einstein's four dimensional space-time, essentially negating any limitations on relative velocity. This is of course only theoretical, however it will be necessary to cover this in Tuesdays test, and if you want to gain the haigher end of the grading spectrum you could try to show the effects of a boson negating reaction using Feyman diagrams, of course, to illustrate, in theory, what the physics would actually look like; and good luck." From their blank expressions she doubted whether any of them could even remember at this point what a Feymen diagram even looks like.

Sophie notices a face at the back of the classroom that she doesn't believe was there a second or two earlier. As her eyes focus in they aquire a little pleasant disbelief. "Captain Cork sir, I thought you were on the moon."
"Not anymore honeylump. And quit the formalities, call me Bryce."

Star Core Captain and NCT sex symbol Bryce Cork, the only guy in the world that mostly saphic Sophie Marsh would ever even consider having a frump-around with.
"Can we talk Sophie, I've got some news that I hope you're gonna like."
"Yes, yes of course sir." Any good news from Bryce Cork is almost certain to be the best thing since triple Christmas. As she walks up the classroom he stands up. "Walk with me Sophie. I've got an important message for you from the Admiral."

The moon Enceladus flies around Saturn with a companion all of its own: the Hammer Dock Deep Space Orbital Station, the home to Space Fleet's Finest middle ability crew members. The sort of space station that might one day crash into an asteroid for insurance purposes.

She's working on ancient karate pattern taught by her Sensai, the name of which translates to English as 'beat up six or more at once', when an announcement including her name comes over the internal tannoy system:
"Could the following personell please collect their personal effects and report to launch bay four for immediate reassignment.
Dr S Jones, Com Tec B Karlov, FL V Sanquez, Lieutenant M Choi, Sys Tech H Nakamura. Message repeats!
Could the following personell please collect their personal effects and report to launch bay four for immediate reassignment."

Vye Sanquez is the first to speak: Hey Choi, hows it hanging?.

It hang good, thank you. At ease everyone.
“Where you all think they be sending us?” She looks round again paying special disdainful attention to Boris Karloff and Harry Nakamura. “I mean us. Some group huh!” “Well I suppose we shall just have to wait and see...” Interjects Nakamura, the computer guy, “…sometimes the best part of the gift is in the surprise.”

The other Cork brother, Jensen, has done exactly what he has been told for once and has found a very private place to tell his crew mate Ashley Jones about their new assignment effective almost immediately.
"You see Ashley, the career I've worked so hard for has eventually fructified and at last I've been made a Captain."
"You, a Captain?"
"Yes, and I might say not a day before its due."
"Well congratulations, Jensen; Sir. So what am I doing here then?" "Well, Ashley; I've been watching you for a while and I'd like you, to be my new Chief Engineer; well assistant Chief formally, but you'll be head of the actual physical department, I believe."
"You chose me for this?"
"Yes of course!"
"But sir; well, thank you I mean sir. You do know I'm in a relationship Jensen? With a woman?"
"Yes of course, what do you mean by that?"
"Well usually sir, when you chose, well a woman sir, to assist you with anything, well it seems usually sir..."
"Well that there's some, how can I say, romantic, element in your choice."
"Sorry Jones but that is ridiculous. Although to be fair to you, you are a very attractive woman. Not that it matters. But no, its all about your engineering skills for the scope of this particular mission."
"What type of vessel sir?" Probably a dockless donought, Lard please do not be a donought, that I could not stand; not with loverboy here... "Well" says Jensen T Cork proudly, "take a look for yourself, here she comes now..."

Click here for part two.

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