The (animated) story(board) of Edo -

"The last place in the universe"
part 1
Having apparently re-entered the Universe, or at least what appeared to be left of it:

Onboard the ship, the skeleton crew get busy with the tasks that destiny has seen fit to cast upon them.

Choi informs Cork that "The satellite is acting like a sun Captain, giving light to the whole planet; and, according to ship sensors, the planet also apparently contains intelligent carbanoid life."
"As intelligent as us, do you think?"
"Well," reflects Sophie "probably not; they haven't destroyed their own planet yet."

He thinks for a second about what Sophie just said. "On the view screen please computer. Can you do that I mean?"
"Someone from the planet is attempting to communicate with us Captain!"

Oh yes... but prepare yourselves. ,
. "Why?"
"Well Captain" Lieutenant Choi interupts, "Carbonoid doesn't necessarily mean they look nice like us. I mean they could have three hideous stumpy noses or eyes on stalks,.. or large patches of slimey scales or..."
"Yes Lieutenant, I think we get the picture! Can you just follow the order please."

Am I talking to the new star in the heavens?.
"I am Davina of the land of Paladria, Hereditary Queen and Divine High Priestess of San Hosu. If as I believe, you are a chariot of the Gods, then I hope to petition you for help in my war against the raider and usurper Vektor of Ecosia. Perhaps a round of firebolts, or magical dissappearances of his soldiers, who have caused such damage to the great glass city...

"Can she see and hear us computer?" Asks Captain Cork.
Not yet Captain. I take it that you would you like to speak to her given that she has only one nose and no scales?
Well computer, its a little better than just one nose and no scales isn't it?
I wouldn't know captain; you carbons all look the same to me anyway.

the crew carry on unaware of the excitment currently unfurling on the bridge, given that they have important considerations all of their own to occupy their minds. This can easily be illustrated without going as far as e.g. engineering for example; in fact we don't even have to travel as far as med bay, which is where Sally and Vye should actually probably be right now...Still...

He's hidden away in a room that most of the crew don't even know exists, monitoring events in his own way with his own little monitoring set-up "Now this" he's saying to himself, "this is something the Captain isn more'n lkely gonna discover for his-self. Looks like I better take a visit to the bridge and think up some dam good story so as to get him to take us down to that there planet..."

"You know" Ash is saying "when Jensen appointed me Chief Engineer I kind of assumed I'd be able to learn how it all works."
"Why worry" asks Milly, "so long as the computer keeps getting it right?"
"Yeah, but what happens if the computer stops getting it right"
"I beg your pardon" the computer intervenes of her own accord, "I am not g, g, gg, going to m m malfunction."
Beep, beep. The conversation is interupted by a interdepartmental call from the Captain himself. "Ash, you better all come up here to the bridge. Bring the others, we need to have a bit of a... crew conference." "What, why?"
"New developments Ashley. Important new developments. Over."
"Ok" says Milly, "maybe they've finally found out how the Higgs drive works then."
"Oh no," the computer intervenes again, "its not that!"

Click here for part 2.

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