It was noboddies fault exactly. Sure, mistakes were made by some well meaning, and even some um.. not-so-well-meaning human beings; but really it was just the end of a very long chain of very unfortunate events which accosted our species over the course of the preceding seven centuries, and culminated, succinctly put, in the world and most, maybe all of the solar system and beyond, disintegrating into nothingness. Notwithstanding its wider repurcussions, and there were some; lots in fact, it was a catastrophic event, and we, the human race, people; we caused it! Well, some of us anyway, lets say, the important ones... (please refer to the 'character page').
In principle it was a great idea. A device which would allow a Starship to journey, not only to other stars, but to any star we wanted, anywhere in the universe...
It would achieve this by generating a space annihilating "Anti-Higgs field", with each iteration being twice the size of the previous one. Poincare's conjecture proving that the spherical field would be stretched infinitely toward the intended destination, so long as the ship were travelling in a straight line. There would be no speed limit, because even acceleration itself would be negated along with gravitation in the discretized local field... It was more or less foolproof, the only possible danger arising from the possibility of allowing the field to generate for any length of time whilst the ship stayed stationary and spinning in relation to its local space-time coordinates.
As the brilliant, if sometimes misguided physicist who invented the device would later ask, "when did Murphy's law become the laws of physics?" The answer of course being the 11th of June 2757, although this was just the culmination of the past of our species, though from then on in, it seemed to be the rule unless, and until we could regain, refind, return, to the idyllic earth of our more fortunate ancestors...
The anti-Higg's field has some interesting quantum properties, as well as annihilating bosonic matter, resetting field strengths to 0 and doubling in size each iteration, the field also appears differently from different perspectives. This is because of the way the field also interacts with light waves / photons. Suffice to say it can look like both a plethoric particle release and an expanding wave field simmultanteously.
And so did the people on board that ship "The Starfrack", at least for the time being. But if you want to know what their future holds, then you'll have to watch this space...
COMING SOON: Click here to find out more about the episode "Time" from which the above picture is an extract.