It ejects the impssible anti-matter incursion from within itself
like one's bodily inards would with a mouldy mushroom in a chicken vindaloo...
Click the image to find out how the world ended...
And that, is indeed correc. Correct, but not the whole story. You see, in much the same way that a gravitational field can only grow up to a certain point before it collapses in on itself and becomes a black hole, a static anti-Higgs anomaly can only reach a certain size before it begins to break beyond three dimensions, into the time dimension - like spooky action at a distance - the anomaly will eventually fold back in on itself, actually interferring with its own past - now this, the universe does not like, and when the field is being created by a static object, such as a space ship, then we get the thing pictured above, a kind of Mandelbrot interdimensional field which tends toward being beyond the space-time boundary.
In essence, the Starfrack is on its way to a point both before and after the unuiverse, and impossibly outside of its physical presence - like pushed away by the anti-gravity which exists at the other end of gravity
And ends as well.