
Welcome to Starfrack...
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This is a story about the future. Our future. I feel it’s important to tell it to you all because in fact it’s going to end. On June 11th 2757.
Click the image to find out how the world ends...

"Oh well,” I hear you say, “2757; well, ok, that’s, worrying, sure, but hey, still plenty of time to say our goodbyes and such. Maybe get to thinking about it tomorrow maybe, or the next day.”
And well that’s all very... well; but this story actually begins some time before 2757, in fact, things start going badly wrong way before the actual end of the world, and that’s what this whole story is also all about – its about how things started to go…. will start to go, very wrong; tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and if we don’t start opening our eyes, if we don't start doing something now, right now, then by tomorrow it will be too late to stop the end of the world in 2757 because there’ll be far too much to occupy us here in the present, even by say, 2050, things could be way out of hand (even if only some of the predictions you'll read in these pages turn out to be correct……)

If the history of the future is filled with chaos and tragedy, then it's because although we continue to evolve technologically and socially, we have failed to do so in at least one important respect - individual conscious responsibilty...

**we’ve almost forgotten our communal effect in our struggle to progress socially, as individuals, through work --------> work, yes! That beautiful word – the thing which we all get up for in a morning, that keeps us in electricity, in gas, food, fuel for our cars and other consumables. That thing which we complain about having to do and complain about even more when we don’t have any, because, without it, we’d be nothing, less than nothing – because our work makes us what we are, it gives us purpose, identity; it defines us.
But therein lies a big part of the problem; part of why things went (will go) wrong. You see, we were all just getting on with things, doing our jobs, trying to succeed in our ‘work’, but we couldn’t, quite often see the bigger picture. We expected someone else to do that for us. Someone up there, in charge, whatever, and a kind of a system developed where we all did things, here on our planet, and as it developed, it took on a sort of life of its own.
We call it capitalism, and to be fair, it has served us well in many regards. It has given us technology, expansion and development into new areas of the world and even beyond. It has given us what many would argue is a far better standard of life than we ever could have expected under, say, agrarian feudalism; but it has also given us greed, egoism, war, individuated and nationalised selfishness, ecological destruction, poverty and hunger, the list goes on and on.
It’s given us worse even than those things, try: genocide, hegemony, corruption, global environmental damage; evils of the worse species – the ability to destroy our selves on mass, our environments, our home, our planet. So in some senses it has given us heaven, perhaps, but it has also given us hell...
What can we ordinary people do about it though? Well, is it possible do you think to develop social medias which create change through art and culture, comedy and music, film, TV and cartoons? Or alternatively, is it possible to create a cooperative social media company which develops art through a process of human development and change?
If , like me, you beleve that this is at least a possibility, then keep reading, get in touch, maybe you could help to make the idea come to life - an online artistic community creating intelligent consumables which seek to entertain, inform and ultimately shape human destiny through art and creativity.....
That's what I hope is going to be all about - - a web cartoon, but also a way of life - challenge - inform - entertain...

click the image to watch the first ever Starfrack mini cartoon!

Of course, like any good story, its all character driven.

Click this anim of Ash and Milly to see the characters page...

Half the time we don't even know the people around us as people, only what they do, or more correctly a lot of the time, how much status they have - how important they are, which ultimately comes down to how much money and/or power they have in our capitalistic societies.
But what we really need, is a way to live our lives in a way which respects individuality, but which also respects the rights of all people to live and work and fulfil their purpose as human beings – the purpose which our creator (Whoever or Whatever Form That may Take) has assigned to us from even before our birth – the purpose which the Universe itself knows is deep inside of us.Perhaps what a psychologist might term

This, in fact, is an important theme within the Starfrack storyline, partly what “Starfrack” is all about - the human need to be more than the lesser self, dig, comprende, capische? Haha...
Well ok, it’s intended to ultimately to be just a cartoon series, of course, though a kind of pastichesque sci-fi comedy cartoon series whose underlying aim is in fact both philosophical and postmodern in the sense that it will hopefully draw people’s attention to schisms which are grounded in our human personalities, but which have an effect on our wider ecosystem(s), our whole world in fact, which these days is very much anthropic, and particularly in these post-internet days, very much personality driven (or so it would seem).
The communally produced stories element will hopefully help us (and our audiences) to open our eyes to ourselves the way that all good art does - by holding up a mirror and saying "look, that's us, Cheeses Cripes we're crazy sometimes, aren't we?!" and also by by making people laugh as well, of course, because laughter, it is said, is a type of medicine, and its the fracking best type if you ask me... potentially a panacea for all our worldly ills, because if we don't laugh, then for sure we're gonna end up crying!

Yes! The first full episode is now underway as a series of mini "webisodes".
Click the image for the required part. Episodes posted as I finish them (one per weekish, hopefully!)

What we need to do is to find a new way of living our lives here on the planet, both as individuals, and as communities, societies, countries.
This is how we build a starship - click here to access the main event - the Starfrack So notwithstanding the main event, the 'Starfrack' aspect of the story - - which is an ongoing writing project for me personally, and hopefully, in the future, for other contributing writers too. The story concerns a terminal solar-system sized disaster, where Earth's last few survivors escape on its cause, a revolutionary new ship featuring an 'anti-Higgs-drive'...
this website however, is also about creating/advocating for kind of new way of living, working, making entertainment products (based partly on the older idea of the collective/communal enterprise) without anyone having to burn up petrol fuel, build offices on what used to be park land or a forest, no trees need to be cut down for printing and stuff - -the whole idea of the social media side of the project is that we can actually build a cartoon company right here, on the internet, without even needing to leave the privacy of our couches, I mean home based offices, - - - yes, even the actors can work from home!
Could it even be, in the wake of Covid, that this might one day be the energy efficient type of global salvation that we're all looking for? Well, fingers crossed,at the moment its only an idea and a few little comic pictures and gifs (though significant ground work has been completed in terms of a production environment on blender (and other art software such as gimp, kdenlive, libreoffice and even maybe some music/sound apps available not least of all on Linux).
There's also a story line, some amusingly archetypal and familiar characters, and so forth and so on). What it really needs however is a workforce of artists, writers (I’m also a writer by profession with a Masters), actors (of course), musicians, sound producers (so important), editors, researchers, techies - the list goes on and on and on… (a sponsor from the broadcasting industry would be great!); or at least everything we'll need to turn this idea from my little presentation/web-comic/ conceptualisation, into a nice cooperative production company and a successful TV show... and we'll share the profits via paypal, of course - well I can only hope, can't I?.
So if, at this stage, you're even a little bit interested, and have a relevant skill you'd like to share, or develop, or if you know someone who might be interested in working making science fiction, (and possibly other media such as current events) then please consider coming on to live chat which is now up and running and completely safe despite what you're browser might tell you about the possibility of little icons being hacked by people after your credit card details (very unlikely), then please pop in to chat, which is really just entering a username and choosing a room (there's free music by PARADISE RADIO), or if that's too much for now, then you could always just drop me a line at the contact address below. And in any case, thank you for your patient reading...

Click here for another example short script....and keep looking! Time: A ‘Star Frack’TM Short by John Walton MA
OPEN on picture of a clock.
‘Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy’ style but with a psycho female AI voice for the ‘Ship’s Computer’.
First part of animation is of the explanatory animated diagram variety featuring, first, an ‘earth clock’ ticking showing a whole day on a calendar, then a clock from another, alien environment beside the Earth clock though ticking at a different rate, then lots of them all running at different rates and in different directions etc signifying a variety of differing event types (good and bad including i.e. prisoners in a mine) from eclectic alien worlds. This world, which is a binary star planet around which the Star Frack orbits, transiting from dark to light side, is where two SF crew members are being held as slaves. We descend onto the planet.

Ship’s Computer
Although it might not be immediately apparent, measuring time is actually one of the biggest problems in cross species communication.
Every environment inhabited by intelligent life, must have some system of measuring intervals between, for example, when things can or can’t be done; and every environment has its own particular specificities in this regard. (visual examples)
This has led to an almost absolute lack of parity in cross species time keeping facilities. In fact, there is no one time keeping calculus which can be translated perfectly from one species to another, even though such a formula is highly desirable for numerous reasons…
(Show alien prisoner being blasted for a misunderstanding apparently regarding his time piece.)

A dilapidated abandoned alien military base on an alien world where, in the distance, we can see a strange futuristic industrial complex type set-up, as seen through magnifying binoculars, where slaves (including Maurice and Leyton) are being marched into mines. The two teams, one of humans under Captain Cork, and one of Teleoctians under Major Kwang, wait to carry out a special-ops ‘night-time’ mission. The sun is just finishing setting…

Major Kwang
So Cork, it grows dark, our plan is set, may Flarp be with you.
We will all meet back here in exactly four arns…

(Kwang goes to leave.)

Captain Cork
Wait, what?

Major Kwang
Our plan is set, may Flarp be with you, we will meet back here in exactly four arns?

Captain Cork
What’s an arn?

Major Kwang
Well (thinks) it is 78 throntos of course?

Captain Cork
Throntos? Are they the same as seconds?

Major Kwang
What in the name of Peleton is a second?

Captain Cork
I mean how much time is a throntos?

Major Kwang
Well, (enthusiastic) throntoes are made up of three-hundred-and ninety-two multi-thron in fourty-nine sets of…

Captain Cork
(blank faces until…
Fade to: sometime later…)

Major Kwang
…a singular thron being measured in our science as the exact time it takes for the hyfonet to orbit the megaclurex, which in the first four demi-cycles… no the first… (struggles to remember the exact formulations

Captain Cork
Yes, yes; but that doesn’t really help us synchronise our watches for the mission though…
does it?
(shows AC his watch which causes him confusion)

Major Kwang
No. I don’t suppose it does.

Captain Cork
Ok, how long is an arn, about?

Major Kwang
(thinking about trying to explain further but doesn’t get the chance)

Captain Cork
I mean, have we passed an arn since we started talking about arns?

Major Kwang
Oh Joff no. No. That wasn’t more than about fifteen gargles ago….

Captain Cork
Well, have we known each other for an arn?

(Visual joke here as the alien does something strange such as…)

Major Kwang
Hahaha Cork how can you say that,
(Friendly swipe of the face with massive forehead tongues)
Why we have spent many happy arns together… (laughs).

They look out to see a whole new sun (different star) beginning to rise, lighting up the scene.
They look around realising that it is hopeless, they have missed their chance.

Captain Cork and Major Kwang

(in unison)
Oh frack!

THE END (of this bit of the episode to be entitled 'Time - the 4th dimension past 3D' More microscripts will be scattered within the various pages and sections of the website as I write them (like 'Niche from the Episode 'I will survive' - click on the clock at the start of this microscript.)
The scripts are primarily for teams of blenders, artists, editors and, of course, actors. Anyone wanting access to my various .blend files should contact me - alternatively, log into starchat (below). Here is an example showing how easy my blends are to use for stills and animation - the rigs are even better now than they were when I took that still as well, so just email me or join the starchat!

Where does one go when they've been thrown out of the universe?
Why not come to Starfrack chat, share ideas in the safety of our puplic rooms, and listen for free to
simpy the best music station in the world!
Click here for Starfrack Chat

Click here for an overview of this amazing starship

Click here for the Starfrack planets page -(currently in development)...

...and here are some new visions of the Starfrack thanks to: - the perfect site for your panoramic photos, designs and films...


Welcome to Starfrack...Starfrack TM is a siddhi-mouse-art house production, because in the end, all we have and all we need is our creativity!

This site is fully owned by Starfrack TM
and is © registered with whois internet services.